Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grand Re-Opening of Classic Gymnastics

Last Friday I took the boys to check out the new expansion of Classic Gymnastics here in Tracy and it looked fantastic!! Classic Gym was hosting a special event that local moms groups including the San Joaquin Mothers of Twins Club coordinate that collects books and pajamas for local children in need. It was a great success and many children now can snuggle in bed with their new pj's and a book!

The boys LOVED the new foam pit but were not quite ready for the swinging rope to drop right in. There was also face painting and a clown doing balloon animals but the boys would not go anywhere near any of that. I thought for sure they would love the balloon animals since they love balloons but alas the clown was the downfall:) So they just ran around like the crazy boys they are under and over everything. The trampolines were a hit as well as well as the hula hoops. Classic gymnastics is a great place to burn off some of that toddler energy!

Tracy Celebrates Sandra Cantu's Birthday

Today Sandra would have turned 10 years old. In an effort to celebrate Sandra's life and memory her family created, "Celebrating Tracy's Children". From what I have already read from news reports on the internet, Sandra's family loved seeing all the children out today laughing, smiling and having so much fun. My friend Renee and I were able to get out with the little ones to a couple of the events today, the Fire Station to check out a real Fire Truck, and the Yogurt shop to have a cool treat. The day was a great success and a wonderful way to honor beautiful Sandra's memory. Here are some pictures.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

City of Tracy Celebrating Kids! Free Day March 8th

The city of Tracy is celebrating Kids Tuesday, March 8th with free admission or treats at some local favorites. Check out this link to see participating times and locations. Thanks Renee for the tip! http://celebratingchildren.weebly.com/